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The New Testament Church


Forgiveness - Notes


Introduction:       John 8:1-12

This text is for somebody here tonight. I truly believe it. Maybe one, but maybe all of us. It applies to all of us, but I think there is someone here tonight that it will particularly speak to. 


Jesus was in Jerusalem and Jesus had declared himself to be the source of living waters in the chapter previously. He declared at the feast, or festival, if any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. Your innermost being will gush forth torrents of living water. 


If you’re dry, if you're thirsty. If your heart is parched and you are feeling empty… Jesus gave the invitation to you, to me, to all who would come, to drink. 


Not only will it flow in you but it will flow through you and people around you will be blessed. Everyone you come in contact with. 


Well, he made that declaration in John chapter 7. Then accusations were hurled at Him. We read that He made his way (John 7:53) to the Mount of Olives. Every man went their own way, well he went to pray. Leaving the walled city of Jerusalem. He makes his way to that hill. That is where he will spend the night


We read in verse 2, early in the morning He came into the temple and all the people came unto Him. At the crack of dawn, at the break of day, he makes his way to the temple. To give instruction, to teach the people. 


There at the break of day, it seems to me, that he was eager to use that morning opportunity to give enlightenment. The same opportunity is available to you, and to me. To seek Him early in the morning; He is waiting there to meet with us. That we might have instruction, inspiration, direction.


He made His way to the temple and all of the people gathered around him and he sat down and he taught them.


Now there in the temple, the rabbis would gather, day by day. There in the courtyard, the area that was covered. Different teachers would gather and their students would gather around them as there would be exposition, teaching, sharing. 


Jesus made His way and the crowd would say, we want to hear what he has to say. The position ion sitting would indicate, settle in, get comfortable. Ive got a loooong study. Notice, we are sitting. Get comfortable. 


And He SAT. That is the position that a rabbi or teacher would take when they taught. Exposition, instruction. When he was preaching, heralding, they would take a standing position. 


Read 8:1-5


They use this woman “caught in the act of adultery, probably still naked. 


These men did not care about justice, they cared about snaring Jesus. The law of Moses clearly says that both parties were to be dealt with. Both were to be put to death. 


We read in eiders chimes works and others familiar with this history. They would cary out a public execution once every 7 years. Explain the box, face down, tree grows, don’t get involved in anything shady, no shady activities, the idea is to root out this problem. To prune out this tendency in the community.


A very public lesson, very insulting.


Notice, they didn’t bring the man. They brought only the woman. It was all too trap Jesus.


What Could He say? 


“Oh, let her go!” - Aha! You are a phony, you’re a fraud! You do not adhere to the law of Moses!


Stone her then! - He is no longer a friend of sinners. Sinners loved to be around Jesus. He had compassion on them. He cared for them. Loved on them. 


It was the religious folks that couldn’t stand him!


So, what’s he gonna do? Jesus…READ v.6 and on


I like that, as if he heard them not. I am going to pretend like I don’t hear you. Give you a chance to think out this scheme you are working on. 


What do you say! - 


J Alan Blair rightly translates this as, He that is without the same sin.


The law - adultery, Jesus - to look at a woman with lust. 


The one who is free from this problem, tendency, propensity. Start the stoning. 


He writes - the only. Time in scripture of Jesus writing. 



What did he write? We can;’t be sure, but I think I know. Read again. Being convicted by their own conscience the left beginning at the eldest to the youngest. 


I believe it is tied in to him stooping and writing in the dust. 


Jeremiah 17:13 - Jer 17:13  O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the (dust), because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.


A prophecy. What did Jesus just say? I AM THE FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS! John 7! The day previously. Come to me and drink.


Those that forsake thee, turn against you, turn their back on you, will be ashamed!


Those who heard it turned their backs on him. 


The same figure, the fanfare of God, that wrote, 






The same figure that wrote on the wall, ENY MEANY MINY MOE. 


MEN MEN TECKEL YUFARSEN in Daniels story. Meaning, you have been weight in the balance and come up wanting.


That same figure is writing in the Dust. 


Their names and whatever else


What about the law? It declared they had to be stoned. He still is violating the law! 


It required 2 or three witnesses. Where are your accusers. 


Jesus, the only one able to cast the stone (sinless) does not. The witnesses had fled!




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