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God's Will for Your Life

God's Will for Your Life - Notes


Introduction:       Romans 12:1-2

God’s will is not lost. It isn’t hidden, it isn’t something that has to be found!


Paul tells us how to know the will of the Lord. Is is so simple!


Because if God’s mercies. 



Conformed As J.B. Phillips described it- Don’t be squeezed into the worlds mold.



Paul says that you can prove or know good and perfect will of God in your life.


The word know or prove is not an academic or intellectual word. It is an intimate experience. 




1. Give Yourself to the Lord V.1

Present our bodies a living sacrifice. Give it up!

- Holy - You see I am disqualified. I stink, I smoke,I have a dirty mouth. Until my body right, I cannot be the sacrifice that God wants. 


That is not what Paul is saying here. Give your body as a living sacrifice 


It starts with “therefore”

The first eleven chapters tell us that, positionally we are clean through the blood and work of Jesus Christ. We are holy. Once you have become a Christian, Not only is Christ in you, !.


Therefore, By the mercies of God, Present your bodies a living sacrifice. You know what your bodies are, but to him they are holy! 


Where do we see a living sacrifice in the scriptures? In Genesis 22.

-Abraham tok Isaac to Mt. Moriah (Galgothat)

-Isaac 33

-laid him on the alter, tied him with a rope. And was ready to sacrifice him. 

-God said, “stop Abraham.I know you love me.” 


But didn’t God know that already? God knew that Abraham loved Him but he wanted Abraham to know.


It was a discovery for Abraham.


You offered your son, the one you loved so deeply as a living sacrifice. 


What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? 

It means to be on the alter, to say, Lord I love you more than anything else. I am yours. 


The problem is this. The living sacrifice, unlike the dead one, tends to climb off of the alter, frequently. The living sacrifice may squirm and wiggle off of the alter. 


It requires us to come regularly and offer ourselves on the alter again as that sacrifice. 


“A fresh day, A new start, Lord I give to you again my life.” I am tiered of trying to figure out where I should go and what I should do”. I let go. It's yours. 




2. Be Transformed V.2

Dont let the world squeeze you into its mold. But be TRANSFORMED.


Transformed - metamorphoō (metamorphomai)- where we get our word, metamorphosis. 


Matt 17 - Jesus transfigured on the mountain. He was changed. He was metamorphasized. He shined. He glowed.


When? When he was on the mountain talking to Moses and Elijah, talking about his death. He was giving it up. He was laying it down. 


Abraham was changed on the same mountain some 2000 years before. The same mountain that Jesus would lay down his life down literally.


Us, dying to self. Metamorphasize. Like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Be metamorphsized. 

Giving your bodies to the lord, and KEEPING YOUR MINDS ON THE LORD.






3. The Renewing of Your mind V.2

Give your Body to the Lord, Keep your mind on the Lord.


Dont let your mind get sucked into the stuff of the world. It comes from the box in our living room. The pages of the magazines we read. The phones that never leave our pockets or our hands. 


Dont let the World conform you to its thinking. Give your Body to the Lord, Keep your mind on the Lord.


And you will know what is the Good and Perfect Will of God. 


How does that work for me? Right now. Today. In my life?


John 14:1-6 Jesus turned to His disciples. 


Joh 14:1  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Joh 14:2  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Joh 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Joh 14:4  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

Joh 14:5  Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

Joh 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.



One of his disciples spoke up and said, “master, We don’t know where you are going. We don’t know the way. And Jesus said to those confused disciples, I AM THE WAY!


This was the night before His crucifixion. I am the Way!


It is not information that I will give to you. It is who I Am for you!


 Giving Caleb directions. I can tell him the way. There is peace when I am the way. Lift him up on my shoulders and take him. 


Jesus say, I am the way. You will get distracted and confused if I tell you the way, He said I am the way. 


Every day, 

1. give your life to me, 

2. Keep your thoughts on me, 


and you will end up in the right place without struggling at all. I am the way. 


You will prove what I the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. 


You will not be trying to figure to what to do! You will just be holding on to the one who is THE WAY.


It's Jesus Day by day by day.


What does He do? 


Collossians 3:15

Col 3:15  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.


Rule - a greek word that speaks of a sports official. An umpire. 


John 10:37 -

Joh 10:27  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:


Just hang with the shepherd and the peace of Christ rules in your heart and the will of Christ


Hebrews 10:16 - I will write my will on the tables of your heart. 


Psa 37:4  Delight thyself H6026  also in H5921  the LORD; H3068  and he shall give H5414  thee the desires H4862  of thine heart. H3820


The desires of your heart will follow after His will when you delight in Him. You will conform to Him. When you Heart follows after him you desires conform to his plan. 


Footnote: If you are not delighting yourself to Him, DO NOT FOLLOW the desires of your heart. They will lead you down all kinds of bad roads.


John 20:22


Mark 14:50

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