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The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit - Notes


Title: “The Work of the Holy Spirit”


Text: John 16:5-15


In verses 5-7 Jesus speaks of the sorrow that has filled the disciples, HE then explains that it is better for the disciples for Him to leave than to stay.


Only when Jesus departed physically from the disciples could the Helper, Spirit come and comfort them.


When Jesus was around Physically the Disciples were reliant upon his presence. 

When He was removed Physically at the cross, what did the Disciples do?


Matthew 26:56 “...Then all the Disciples forsook Him and Fled.”


So Only by Jesus leaving physically can the Spirit come and move us out faithfully.


There are three  works of the spirit


I. The Holy Spirit Convicts &Convinces  Us v.8-12

Convict- is the word used for the cross examination of a witness, or a man on trial. It always carries the idea of cross-examination of a man until he sees and admits his errors or he acknowledges the force of some argument which he had not yet seen.


The spirit convicts us of 3 things.


-The spirit convicts us of Sin v.9

The jews did not believe that crucifying Jesus was sin, but service to God.  John 16:2 

In Acts 2:36-37 (read it) these same jews were “pricked to the heart”


After 2000 years what is it about the story of a man that was tried, condemned and crucified as a criminal that tears the hearts of men open? then and today?





-The spirit Convinces us of Righteousness v.10

Convinces because the word convict has the two different applications, first to show a man his deeds, but the other to convince him.


In John 18 Just a few chapters to the right Jesus is tried...

v.1-11 He is Betrayed by Judas.

v.12-14, 19-24 he goes before the high priest

v.28-40 He is sentenced before Pilate.


He is then beaten and crucified, not once coming down from the cross, relieving his pain, nor taking revenge on his accusers or his tormentors.


What Convinces us that it is by the life, death, and resurrection of a condemned man, we find life. We find forgiveness in His blood and not the Blood of another?






-The spirit Convinces us of Judgement v.11

Convinces because the word convict has the two different applications, first to show a man his deeds, but the other to convince him.



Romans 2:5-6 says...

5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; 6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:


Romans 1:25-32 Read.


What convinces man that on the cross evil was condemned and defeated? What Convinces man that judgement of evil deeds lies ahead?





II. The Holy Spirit Guides Us v.12-13


Jesus says in v.5-7 and v.12 that He has more to say but they can’t bear it. or 

“You can’t handle the truth!”


I was speaking with chloe the other day and I was asking her, her opinion on the laws of thermo dynamics. Do you know what her response was? The same response you are giving me now. (blank stare).


Do we approach such difficult and advance subjects with such simple minds? 

No, we build up to them.


The next words bring hope...”however”


Although Jesus knew that the disciples heads and hearts would explode if he gave them any more, he knew that the Spirit was on His way and He was the guide, He would show them what was needed.



“The nearer we live to Jesus, the better we will know Him. The more we become like Him, the more He will be able to tell us. To enjoy His revelation we must accept His mastery.”






III. The Holy Spirit Glorifies the Father in Us     v.14

The Glorification of the father in us is due to the previous point. When we live close to Jesus we are full of the spirit. The spirit then shows us truth, and the revelation of Jesus. The more you know, the more you grow, the more you grow, the more the father is glorified in our lives.


1 Corinthians 6:17-20 says...

17 - but he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

19 - or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

20 - For you were bought a t a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are Gods.

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