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The Holy Spirit

Witnessing for Christ

Witnessing for Christ - Notes


The Romans Road

Romans 3-10



1. Sinners in need of a Savior.  Romans 3:23 


“For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” 



Look at verse 10-12 - There are none righteous


Sin - to miss the mark. Shooting arrows. The sinner would buy the drinks after the competition. 


Dr. Carl Menanger (Swiss psychiatrist) If people could understand that their could be forgiveness for their past mistakes, 755 of psychiatric hospitals would be emptied out over night. Sin haunts people. 



What is the standard of sin and perfection? Ten commandments.


No-one is perfect! All miss it by miles! 




2. Sin is Death. Romans 6:23 


“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God 

is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 


The burden of sin is heavy. There are those who say, “I don’t feel any weight of sin! I don’t feel the guilt. I Dont feel any weight.”


If you take a 500lb barbell and set it on the chest of a dead man, what will he feel? Nothing! He is dead!


It doesn’t matter what your money is worth, the wages of sin is death.


Sin is not bad because it is forbidden. Sin is forbidden because it is bad. 

Our Father in heaven says, these things are bad. They will kill. They will diminish your ability to live and to love


A thief who tried to siphon gas from a motor home got a mouthful of sewage instead, police said. Police got an early morning call from Dennis Quigly, the owner of the vehicle. Quigly was inside the parked motor home when he heard strange noises outside. “Apparently, the suspect was attempting to steal gasoline and got the sewage tank instead,” Officer Tom Umporowicz reported. Officers found sewage and what looked like vomit on the ground. Nearby they found a 14-year-old boy curled up ill next to a car. Quigly said he declined to press charges in the incident, calling it the best laugh he ever had.


Sin stinks! The Bible says our sin will find you out. 


There is pleasure in sin for a season. But it will kill!


Joe Fernandez - St. Petersburgh Florida - walked into a small, corner butcher shop, thinking he would steal a few freshly ground sausages. He grabbed the sausages walks toward the door. Low and behold he feels something tugging on him. He turns around and he sees the sausages were not cut. The were linked together. He spun around, fell to the ground, tangled up in sausage. The grocer sees what is going on and calls the police. 


The bottom line is we will always end up with more than you bargain for. It will tangle you up and do you in. 


The wages of sin is death!


BUT! “but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


3. Shows the Love He Speaks Of. Romans 5:8


“But God Commendeth His love toward us, in that, 

while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”




4. Confession and Belief Brings Salvation. Romans 10:9-10 


“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart 

that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” 



5. Our Assurance Romans 10:13

There are no other religious formulas or rituals. Just call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved! 


“For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” 


This is our assurance of salvation in Christ

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